Your Faith Thermostat

Have you thought about your thermostat lately? I heard a talk by Charles Capps recently that has had me thinking about thermostats ever since. Capps’s focus is often on the concept of “calling those things that are not as though they were” [Romans 4:17]. If you consider your thermostat, every time you press the button to increase heat, you are calling “that which is not” into being. Your thermometer may still read “65” but if you reset the thermostat to 68, you have the assurance that 68 is coming.

It’s a short leap from your furnace’s thermostat to faith, which might be thought of as the thermostat of your spiritual life. When you decide upon an intention for your life and steadily hold faith that whatever it is will come to pass in your reality, you are setting a faith thermostat to rise from where you are to where you want to be.

Then, it is a matter of not wavering — in the same way that you do not stand in front of your thermostat debating with yourself about whether the heat will rise or not. Jesus is quoted in Matthew 21:21 saying, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt … you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.”

Have you set any intentions for your life lately that you feel strongly enough about to set your faith thermostat?